
Sir Crocodile underestimated Discussion

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Sir Crocodile is unfortunately underestimated by a majority of the casual one piece viewers due to the fact that he was defeated pre-timeskip by Monkey D. Luffy. Oda himself openly stated that he revealed or introduced crocodile too early in the series and was probably due to the fact that he had no Clue the show would go on for as long as it has.

Even still it appeared apparent that Oda attempted to rectify or change are minds during marineford when he had Crocodile clash with many top tier characters such as Mihawk, Diamond Jozu, Doflamingo, and Akainu. none of which underestimated or viewed him as a low level weak opponent. When Doffy clashed with Moria he made it clear he were leagues ahead, but when it came to crocodile Doffy approached him as if they were equals.

now lets discuss Crocodiles devil fruit mastery in Alabasta Crocodile spoke about the mastery of your devil fruit and sounded pretty similar to Doflamingo. he’s able to instinctively react to oncoming attacks to avoid damage with his logia ability. A pretty controversial theory is that he was awakened even in Alabasta, when Crocodile was defeated the rain in the country immediately returned to the country and the dancing powder was in the hands of smoker.

If we are to take that at face value and assume Smoker was indeed telling the truth, that would imply that he caused the rain to cease and intensified the already barren landscape.

Crocodile lost a certain edge after retreating from the new world, he began to become complacent with lack of rivals after leaving and this led to him underestimate Luffy and his crew in which he failed to ensure Luffy had indeed perished in the two times he had him dead to rights. after escaping impel down he seemed to have re-awoken his drive as a pirate and currently he’s in the new world with Daz Bones.

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Now post-skip crocodile has yet to make an appearance other than reacting to Luffy’s bounty increase alongside Daz bones. He will most likely make a reappearance later down the line since he’s such a popular character and it’s unlikely that it would be as an enemy, if he has indeed re-awoken his ambitions then he’s going to be making moves within the new world.

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